Biking, Hiking, andVehicle-OnlyTours
Joinusona completely customizable familyouting throughYellowstone
National Park. The tour begins from theminuteyou step into thevehicle
at YC,withgreat storiesof not onlywhat iswithin theParkbut alsoof
thegreater YellowstoneEcosystem. Dependingonyour focus,whether
it is abike, hike, or vehicle tour, there is something inYellowstone for
everyone! From theamazingwildlifeand stunningpanoramas, to the
steaminggeysers and colorful thermal features! Theseguided tours
acquaint everyone to thenaturalmarvelsof YellowstoneNational Park
and the surroundingareas.
Times andpricingvarybasedondateandnumber of participants.
YellowstoneClubpartnerswithAdventuresOutfitting toaccommodate
bothYellowstoneClubpropertyandoff-property ridingoptions.
AdventuresOutfittingoffers thefinest qualityhorsebackadventures.
They specialize in trail rides aswell as singleandmulti-night backcountry
tripsonYellowstoneClubproperty, in theneighboringLeeMetcalf
Wilderness, andYellowstoneNational Park.
Cost variesper expedition. SeeOutdoor Pursuits for specifics.
Enjoya trulyunique, family-friendlyovernight campingexperience right
onYellowstoneClubproperty. CedarCamp features spaciouswall tents
with carpetingandbedswithmattresses and linens. You’ll enjoyexcellent
cuisine, servedunder the stars. Even thoughyou’ll be camping, you
won’t be “roughing it”!
For a typical overnight trip, the ridebeginsonhorsebacknearWarren
Miller Lodgeat theYCCorral, arriving to campbymid to lateafternoon.
That eveningafter adeliciousdinner, thegroup relaxes arounda
campfire toenjoyeachother’s company. Thenextmorning includes
ahearty,made-to-order breakfast, and thendepartureonhorseback,
returning toWarrenMiller Lodge in theafternoon. Anoptionof an
additional day is alsoavailable.
AdventuresOutfittingoffersmulti-daybackcountry trips in theLee
MetcalfWilderness surroundingYellowstoneCluband inYellowstone
National Park. The trips are customplannedbasedupon thegroup’s
interests. Fishing, hiking, photography, horseback riding, relaxingand
spending timearound the campfirewith familyand friends arepopular
activities. By travelingonhorseback, you’ll reachpristine sceneryand
peacefulnessof thebackcountry seldom seenbyothers.
Ahorseback ride startingon-propertyaffords riders theopportunity to
explorebeyond theboundariesof YellowstoneClub. Our trails feature
amazingmountainviews andvistas, solitude, andbeautiful scenery. Trail
ridesonYCpropertyareavailable inonehour, twohour, half day, and full
day sessions.
YellowstoneNational ParkDayRides: Ahorseback ride inYNP features
pristinewilderness andprairies, interestinggeologyandagreat
opportunity to seewildlife. Trail rideswithinYellowstoneNational Park
requireaminimumof sixhours to completea ride.
PleaseNote: Transportation isnot included in thepriceof off-property
equestrianactivities. Childrenmust beat least 6yearsoldand48 inches
tall. There isnodouble ridingand there is aweight limit of 240pounds
for all riders. Feeminimums apply for all equestrianactivities.
Day ride cancellationsmust be received24hours inadvance. Cedar
Campand/ormulti-daybackcountry trip cancellationsmust be received
sevendays inadvance. Trips cancelledwithin24hours for day ridesor
sevendays for overnight tripswill result ina feeequal to the cost of the
trip cancelled.
RockClimbing takesplaceat thePinnacles, locatedoffof TheRidge
onPioneerMountain. Tripsbeginmid-Julyandareweather dependent.
Weoffer climbing for all abilities, agesfiveandup. Rock climbing is an
all-dayactivityand includes a climbingguide, equipment, snacks, and
beverages. Helmets, harnesses, and climbing shoes areprovided. Lunch
isnot provided; if desired, to-go lunchordersmust beplaced48-hours
prior to theactivity. Rock climbing reservationsmust bemade48hours
inadvanceandare subject toavailability.
9:00am– 1:30pm
Exploreup to six climbing routeson thePinnacles
250.00/person (4peoplemaximum)
AdvancedClimbing Instruction
Designed for individualswhohave climbingexperienceandare ready to
learn thebasicsof lead climbing.
250.00/person (4peoplemaximum)