(406) 995-2127
TheYellowstoneClubGolf Coursedoesnot accept specific tee times.
Members areencouraged to call theGolf Shop inadvance toapprise
theGolf Staffof their approximatearrival timeat theGolf Course.
Continental breakfast is availabledaily from8:00am to 11:00am. TheGolf
Course is reserved for YellowstoneClubMembers and their approved
guests. All usagemust beauthorizedby theGolf Professional Staff
andwill bemonitoredand controlledby theDirector ofGolf, David
Hardwick. All unaccompaniedguestsmust beapproved inadvanceby
management throughguest registrationwithConcierge.
9:00am–Dusk, withmorningopeningdependent onweather
8:00am–Dusk, beginningFriday, June26
50.00/18holes, 25.00/9holes (includes sixballs)
Cart Fees (9or 18holes):
Full CartUse: 50.00; Half CartUse: 25.00
60.00– 140.00, dependingonnumber of players
All guests at theGolf Coursemust beaccompaniedwith their sponsoring
member andmust be registered throughConcierge. Aguestmayuse the
ClubFacilities for up toeight (8) days total per summer season.
95.00/player, plus cart fee; guest feewaived if golfer is less than 16yearsof age
ThePracticeFacility is thepracticearea locatedbetweenholes 10and 18,
offeringMember tees, teaching tees, and six target greens. Thepractice/
rangeballs areusedonlyon thePracticeFacility; anyonewho removes
practice/rangeballs for playor anyother reasonwill benotifiedonce.
If a secondoffenseoccurs, theMemberwill be charged the retail price
of thepractice/rangeball removed from thePracticeFacility. Additional
violationsmay result in further disciplinaryactionup toand including
8:00am–2hoursprior todusk
Appropriategolf attire, including collared shirts, is requiredat all times
on thegolf courseandpractice facility. Cut-off shorts, gym shorts,
beachwear, t-shirts, halter tops, tank tops, anddenimarenot proper golf
attire. Soft spikesor tennis shoes are required.
All unaccompaniedguestsmust be registeredby the sponsoring
member throughConcierge. All unaccompaniedguestswill be charged
225.00andmust beaccompaniedbya caddy (or all guestswhoare
not accompaniedbyamember ina foursomewill be charged225.00
andmust beaccompaniedbya caddy). All unaccompaniedguestswill
have restrictionson tee timeavailability,whichwill include timeandday
restrictions andmust beapproved through theDirector ofGolf, David
Hardwick, orGeneralManager, HansWilliamson.
Cost andPolicies:
225.00/player, plus cart fee,must beapprovedbyYCSeniorManagement
UsingaYCForecaddy is required; Unaccompaniedguestsmay teeoffafter 1:00pm
Unaccompanieduseof other amenitiesonpropertyare subject to fees.
SeeConcierge informationonpage 11.
Eachoperator of agolf cartmust be (i) at least sixteenyearsof agewith
adriver’s license, or (ii) at least fifteenyearsof agewithavaliddriver’s
permit ingood standing in the statewhere issued. Operationof agolf
cart is at the riskof theoperator. Cost of repair toagolf cartwhich is
damagedby themember or a familymember shall be charged to the
Member, or in the caseof damagebyaguest, to the sponsoringMember.
EachMember shall beheld fully responsible for anyandall damages,
including,without limitation, damages to thegolf cart or anypersonor
property, that are causedby theuseormisuseof thegolf cart by the
member, hisor her familymembersor guests, and shall reimburse the
Cluband/or anyoperator of YellowstoneClub for anyandall damages
theymay sustainby reasonof suchuseormisuse.
It is important for everyone tomaintain thequalityof theYCGolf Course
by repairingballmarks, filling indivots, raking thebunkers, observing the
cart-traffic signage, andkeepinggolf cartsoff the teeboxes andaway
from thegreensby30yards. Remember that golf cartsmaybeasked
to remainon thepaths formaintenance reasons (toowet, applicationof
chemicals, etc.)
Pleasebeawareof your paceof playand let faster playersplay through.
Whilefive-somes arepermitted, youneed tobe consciousof those
behindyou. Newgolfers to thegolf course, beginners, and junior golfers
areencouraged tomeetwithoneof theGolf Professionals for a little
Q&A timeabout theGolf Courseanduseof thepractice facility.
Playing lessons are the feeper hour on the course
PGADirector ofGolf
135.00 /hour
Connor Tanberg,
PGAAssistantGolf Professional
100.00 /hour
PGAAssistantGolf Professional
100.00 /hour
All otherAssistant Professionals
75.00 /hour
Junior Lessons –Ages4-15
Ratevaries from50.00 to75.00 /45minutes