Trail Map & Calendars - page 8

Formore information about events, please call YCConcierge at (406) 995-7370 and read theYCGazetteprintedeachweek.
TheTomWeiskopf Cup
ABenefit for YellowstoneClubCommunityFoundation
Friday, August 14
Showyour support for the largest andmost influential nonprofit in
SouthwestMontana, andplaygolfwithTomWeiskopf?Does it get any
better than this? Joinus for thisoneday tournamentwhereall players
get a chance toplayaholewithTomWeiskopf. Support YCCFat theNew
EnglandLobsterBoil afterwards.
Select Sundays Throughout theSummer Season
Thisninehole themed, couple-orientedgolf event is followedbya
wine-paireddinner at theClubhouse. Some themes this summer include
HavanaNights, TVGameShow, andCollegeGameDay– surelynot to
YCGunClub –Summer Skeet Shootout
Join the funand friendly competitionof YC’s inaugural summer-long
shooting tournament. Combinedaveragesof the threebest roundsof
skeet throughout the summer season for each shooterwill determine the
Club championand sharp shooter bragging rights formen,women, boys,
andgirls. Competition rounds canbe shot duringanynormally scheduled
Outdoor Pursuits shooting session for anadditional 25.00/round. Please
contactOutdoor Pursuits formore information.
Lewis&ClarkMember/Member Golf Tournament
Thursday, August 6 –Friday, August 7
Chooseyour partnerwiselyandenjoy four different ninehole formats.
Which twomembershave thebest gameat YellowstoneClub?Thereare
teamawards for net andgross aswell asmen’s andwomen’sflights.
Tuesdays: July 14, August 4, August 18, September 1
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Bringyour furry friends toadog social at theTreeBar at PartyPad!
Treatswill beprovided.
HikewithOutdoor Pursuits
2:00pm, Mondays
EachMondayafternoonaguide fromYC’sOutdoor Pursuits team leads
anon-propertyhike.Meet new friends andexplore thevast trail network
YChas tooffer.
Friday, July31 –Sunday, August 2
Theweekendkicksoffwith theProfessional Bull Riders
competitiononFriday, July31 inBigSkyTownCenter. Wehave
reservedVIP tickets for YCMembers and their guests. Saturday,
August 1, joinus for theSummerUSOCOlympicEvent downat
thePartyPad. Compete inavarietyofOlympicactivities followed
byafternoonfieldgameson theMultipurposeField. Joinus that
evening for adeliciousbarbecueat thePartyPad, alongside live
musicandgreat company! Theweekendwrapsupwith theFamily
Float Tripon theMadisonRiver. If you’venever floated theMadison
before, here’s your chance!Wemake sureyouhaveeverythingyou
needbefore, during, andafter thefloat, andwe’ll havea riverside
lunchpreparedbyour YCCulinary teamwaiting for youat theend
of thefloat. Space is limiteddue toour permit, thereforeadvanced
reservations are required for thefloat trip.
150.00/PBR, USOC: Complimentary, 125.00/Float
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,...61
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