Trail Map & Calendars - page 6

Saturday, July4
Put onyour red,white, andblueand celebrate IndependenceDayat
YellowstoneClub! Grabyour running shoesonSaturday for YC’sAnnual
Freedom4KFunRun that endswitha jump in thepool atCamphouse.
That afternoon, pickupapicnicbasket andhavedinner in theBigSky
TownCenterwhereyou’ll enjoyagreat band, activities for kids, anda
spectacular fireworksdisplay!
FunRun: Complimentary; Lunch: 15.00/person; PicnicBasket: à la carte
LadiesGolf Camp
Monday, July27 –Wednesday, July29
Comeout andenjoy three full daysof fununder the sun, hands-ongolf
instructionwithour PGAProfessional staff, andget toknowother ladies
at YellowstoneClub.
400.00/person, 150.00/day; lunchand swagare included in thepackageprice.
Formore information about events, please call YCConcierge at (406) 995-7370 and read theYCGazetteprintedeachweek.
Thursday, July9
JoinuswithCondoleezzaRice for aClassics forKidsFoundationbenefit!
Theeveningwill kickoffwith cocktails andappetizers followedbya
concertwithCondoleezzaRiceand theMuirQuartet. Beforedinner
is served, Condoleezzawill host adiscussion followedbyaphoto
Friday, July 17
We’re invitingkidswithahankering for horses to joinus for ourKidsRodeo
Camp. Camperswill spend theafternoon learningbasichorsemanship,
rodeo fundamentals, animal care, and the cowboywayof life.
Monday, July20, 1:30pm –3:30pm
Everwonderedwhat itwouldbe like to lift a two ton rock?Channel your
inner heavyequipment operator and joinus forBigRigDigDaywhere
you canplay in thedirt using someof YC’s equipment including skid
steers, front loaders, andother heavymachinery.
YCGolf ClubChampionship
Thursday, July23 –Friday, July24
Whowill be thenew club championat YC?Randi BetzandGregDaily
are thedefending champions; is this your year to jump to the topof
the leaderboard?Bringyour “A” gameand challenge for the titleof
YellowstoneClub’sbest golfer.
75.00/Tournament Package
TheRodeo Invitational Golf Tournament
Wednesday, July 15 –Saturday, July 18
YChasoneof thebest andmost exclusivegolf courses in the
world, and for four days this summer,wewant you to share itwith
someof your closest friends. Joinus for TheRodeo Invitational,
YC’s signature summer golf tournament. Enjoy four uniquedaysof
tournament playwithall theamenities youhave come toexpect at
YC.Weknowhow to throwaparty, sobringyour friends andenjoy!
850.00/Tournament Package
Wed./Thurs. Dinners: 125.00/Adult, 100.00/Ages6-20
FridayDinner andRodeo: 175.00/Adult, 100.00/Ages6-20
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,...61
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