Residential Services
(406) 995-7353
(406) 995-7353ext. 3
If youare staying inaRainbowCabinorRental Home, aCaretakerwill be
notifieduponyour arrival andwill escort you toyour destination, unload
your luggage, andwelcomeyou toyour accommodations.When it is
time todepart, aCaretakerwill assist you in checkingout of your cabin
or home. Please contact theCaretaker staffwithany requestsor issues
thatmayariseduringyour stay.
(406) 995-7353ext. 4
YellowstoneClubprovides completepropertymanagement services for
homeswithin theYC community. Our PropertyManagers canprovide
general oversight of all householdactivities assuring timelyandhigh
quality completionof all tasks including, but not limited to: on-going
maintenance, housekeeping, grocery shopping, errand running, project
management, andholidaydecorating.
(406) 995-7534
Throughout theyear, variouson-propertyprivate residences areavailable
for rent. Please contact Lodging for availabilityand rates. Rental homes
vary in size fromone toeight bedrooms andareavailable inevery
neighborhoodat YellowstoneClub, includingWarrenMiller Lodge,
Lakeside, SunriseRidge, Slopeside, Chalets, Enclaves, AndesiteRidge,
AmericanSpirit, PineRidge, andBigSkyRidge.
Cabins andhome rentals come stockedwith coffee,water, soft drinks,
andfirewood. Dailyhousekeeping services are includedandadditional
groceries canbearranged.
Homes andCondosAvailable for Rent
password: discovery
Whenmembersor their guestswould like toexperienceYellowstone
Club’sone-of-a-kindhospitality, RainbowCabinsprovide theperfect
homeaway fromhome. Eachof the20 custom-designedand individually
furnished log cabins isperchedmid-mountain, right next to thenewly
remodeledRainbowLodge, offering ski accessibilityand incredible
viewsof theSpanishPeaks, PioneerMountain, andLonePeak. Inside,
each cabin iswell appointed, includingakingbedwitha luxuriousdown
comforter, full bath, kitchenette, loft, fireplace, LCDTV, DVD, BoseStereo,
andWi-Fi. Cabinoptions range fromonebedroomunits toa two-story,
twobedroomunitwitha loft,which sleepsup to4adults and2 children.
Deluxe: 1,000.00/night, Single: 500.00/night
Deluxe: 1,200.00/night, Single: 600.00/night
Wednesday, July 1 –Sunday, July5
Friday, July 10–Sunday July 19
Thursday, July30–Sunday, August 23
(406) 993-2002, EmergencyDispatch
(406) 993-2285, Non-emergency
(406) 995-7909ext. 1801, FireStation
TheYellowstoneClubFireDepartment hasbeenprovidingEmergency
services for theYellowstoneClub community since2005. YCFD is a full
servicedepartment, inaddition toprovidingfireprotection24hours/
day, sevendays/week, YCFDprovidesBasicandAdvancedLifeSupport
Treatment andTransport. All YCFireFighters are certifiedEMTs andour
staffing includeson siteParamedic coverage.