TheGallatinoffers the chance to take in incredible sceneryandpaddle
through some fun, challenging, and continuouswhitewater. Different
stretchesof river are recommended for varying skill levels. Ultimately,
water levelsdetermine thebest stretch for you toenjoy! Dependingon
your expectations, timingyour trip canbe themost important factor.
Doyouwant to raft the infamous, Class IVMadMile?Thewater ishigher
earlier in the seasonand then tapers as the summer progresses. Looking
for amellower ride?Check theUpperGallatinat any timeor theLower
Gallatin later in the summer.
Participantsmust beat least sixyearsold.
Half-dayLowerWhitewater (Class III/IV)
Half-dayUpperWhitewater (Class II/III)
Half-dayScenicFloat (Class I/II)
Pricing, activity times, and cancellationpolicies aredependent on local BigSky
vendors. ContactOutdoor Pursuits formore information.
TheAdventureZip isbuilt for those looking for speed! This zip includes
four lines spanning 1,500 feet longand 150 feet above the forest floor.
This experience lasts threehours and requires aminimumweight of 80
lbs. andamaximumof 220 lbs.
TheNatureZip is amellower but very scenicexperience. This zip includes
a20minutehikeupLoneMountainand three ziplines ranging from
350 feet to500 feet longand30 to60 feet above the forest floor. This
experience lasts twohours and requires aminimumweight of 45 lbs. and
amaximumof 300 lbs.
Zipalongwhere the scenery includes towering limestone cliffs, pine
forest, anda rushing river. TheRiverAdventureZip takesplaceon the
GallatinRiverwhere themovie “ARiverRunsThrough It”wasfilmed! The
maximumweight for this experience is 260 lbs. and theminimumweight
is65 lbs. Anyoneunder theminimumwill tandem zipwithaguide
(maximumof 2 tandemguests/tour). Due to safety restrictions, young
ones arenot permitted to ride tandemwithaparent.
TheultimateexperienceatBigSkyResort! Theexpedition is aguided
tour that beginswitha rideupSwiftCurrent chair lift, then transitions to
theBigSkyexpeditionvehicle, andfinallya rideup theLonePeakTram!
Great views and fun tobehadbyall ages!
Music in theMountains
Thursdays: July2 -August 27, 6pm
These complimentary concerts are sponsoredby theBigSkyArts
Council. Contact theYCConcierge toarrange for apicnicdinner to take
to the showandenjoyyourmeal al fresco. For anupdatedMusic in the
Mountains schedule, pleasevisit:
Sweet PeaFestival
Friday, August 7 –Sunday, August 9
Join theBozeman community for a festival of thearts! Activities include
a children’s runandparade,musical performances, aflower show, abeer
andwinegarden, andmuchmore!
Saturday, July25 - Sunday, July26
This festival connects the community to the rivers, fish, and riparian
habitats that arevital to the sport of flyfishing. Proceedswill support
conservationand restorationeffortsby theGallatinRiver TaskForce
within theUpperGallatinRiverWatershed.
Friday, July 10 - Saturday, July 11
BigSkyClassical MusicFestival
Friday, August 7 - Sunday, August 9
WarrenMiller PerformingArtsCenter
BigSkyBroadwaypresents “MaryPoppins”
Friday, June26&Saturday, June27
TwinSkySummerDance Intensivewith James Sewell Ballet
Saturday, July 18
BigSkyChoral InitiativewithTheCrossing
Saturday, July25
BigSkyTheaterWorkshopwithMichelePawk and JohnDossett
Saturday, August 1
BigSkyClassical MusicFestival
Saturday, August 8
From theTopwithChristopherO’Riley
Sunday, September 27
Wednesdays: June24 - September 30, 5pm - 8pm
Featuringup to 100vendors, shopsoffer freshproduce, herbs, plants and
flowers, bakedgoods,woodworking, log furniture, antler art, photography
andfineart, jewelry, and clothing. Foodvendorswill beon site to tempt
your tastebuds and thereareactivities tokeep thekids entertained.