Trail Map & Calendars - page 58

DINING information
(406) 995-7370
(866) 456-2001
Dining opportunities at Yel lowstone Club include three
classic lodges: Warren Mi l ler Lodge, Rainbow Lodge,
and Timberl ine Café. Al l feature a wonderful mountain-
elegant atmosphere with a broad range of menu items
from gourmet to ‘Montana casual ’ – any of which can be
paired with selections from our world-class wine l ist .
To make dinner reservations, please contact the YC
Concierge. YC restaurants have extended hours during
busy periods. Please contact the YC Concierge for
schedules and to make dinner reservations.
*Private in-home chef services are avai lable. Please contact the
YC Concierge for more information.
Rainbow Lodge
Continental breakfast , 8AM – 10AM Monday -
Wednesday A la carte Breakfast , 8AM – 10AM Thursday
- Sunday. Lunch, 11AM – 3PM, Dai ly. Closed for select
Special Events Dinner, 5PM – 9PM, Dai ly Closed for
select Special Events
Timberline Café
Lunch, 11AM – 2:30PM Dai ly, Sno-Cat Dinner, Friday
and Saturday, Departures at 6PM and 7PM, beginning
December 18, 2015 Friday, December 18, 2015 through
Saturday, January 2, 2016, Dai ly.
December 26, 2015 through December 30, 2015 there is
an additional 8PM seating. Select Wine Dinners are on
Thursdays throughout the season.
The Yurt at American Spirit
Lunch, 11AM – 2:30PM, Friday, Saturday, Sunday &
Monday. Check the YC Gazette for schedule updates.
Warren Miller Lodge
Lakeside Lobby
Continental Breakfast , Snacks, and Cof fee Bar, 8AM –
3PM Dai ly. Breakfast items served from 8AM - 10:30AM
Dining Room
Lunch, 11AM – 3PM Dai ly, Closed for select Special
Events Dinner, 5PM – 9PM Dai ly, Closed for select
Special Events
Bighorn Bar
Lunch, 11AM – 3PM Dai ly, A la carte dining or buf fet
wi l l be avai lable depending on the day Après Ski ,
3PM – 9PM Dai ly
Slopeside BBQ Grill
Lunch, 11AM – 3PMWeather dependent throughout the
season. Check the YC Gazette for updates
The Firehouse BBQ
(Slopeside , behind the First Aid Yurt)
Lunch, 11AM –2:30PM Dai ly,
December 18 - January 3, 2015
Frost Bite Diner – 20 Below
Lunch and Dinner, 11AM – 8:30PM Dai ly, Dinner groups
of more than 10 people wi l l be spl it into two tables
depending on dining reservations.
Takeaway Menu
A selection of “Take ‘n’ Bake” items is avai lable for
takeaway from Lakeside Lobby. YC restaurants cannot
accommodate any to go orders.
2015 | 2016
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